Straight Talk With America’s Sheriff David Clarke

The Persecution of Donald Trump: America's Sheriff Speaks Out | Episode 69

Season 2 Episode 69

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In this explosive episode of the "Straight Talk" podcast, host David Clarke, aka America's Sheriff, brutally critiques the most recent trial verdict against Donald Trump. What we are seeing, according to Clarke, is a systematic attempt to demolish Trump and his followers, not merely prosecution. He examines the background information at length, establishing that this attack began during Obama's presidency, and he criticizes the left for their relentless pursuit of dismantling our institutions and way of life. Clarke argues that conventional forms of political participation are useless in the face of the left's strategic warfare tactics and attacks on corrupt institutions and Republican strategies. Urging conservatives to unite, take action, and resist this tyranny, he demands a more forceful and immediate response.


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Host: Sheriff David Clarke, America's Sheriff

Executive Producer: Judy L. Wilkinson, JL Wilkinson Consulting, LLC 

Producer: Josh Wentz |

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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another episode of the Straight Talk podcast with your host, America's Sheriff, David Clarke. Well, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the verdict is in on Donald Trump that Charade of a trial, the, what I like to call, the persecution of Donald Trump. Not the prosecution, but the persecution of Donald Trump. There should have been no surprises as to what the verdict was going to be. Everything was stacked against him. It was a perversion of our system of justice. It's not the first time it's happened, but it's the first time it's happened to a former president. Of the United States. Ladies and gentlemen, these people are hell bent, not on just keeping Donald Trump out of the white house, but to destroy this man. And not only Donald Trump, but his supporters and his followers. And if you aren't awake to that realization, then you're just not paying attention. And if you think this is as far as the left will go, then you haven't been paying attention. This is an all out assault on our way of life, our constitution, our systems of justice, our institutions within the United States, and there's still too many of us. Mainly you, some of you, let me, let me be specific, who still think that this thing can get done through our existing institutions. You know, the courts, the legislatures, so on and so forth. Uh uh. The left has made it very clear that day is over. They've turned all of these institutions on its head, stacked them against us. This is outright tyranny. And if our systems, our institutions, and our systems of government We're working, we could utilize them for corrective action, but they are not working. So the tactics we're using are all wrong. And we still think this can get done through debate, dialogue, discussion, and even elections. This is not going to be straightened out with an election. It just won't be. And if you believe that it will be, yeah, and I'm, I'm going to fight like hell for Donald Trump to win in November. But if you think that's going to cure anything. Then you haven't been paying attention. The election of 2016 didn't matter to the left. What makes you think the election of 2020, if Donald Trump wins, if he wins, because the cheat will be in place by the Democrats and the Democrat party. But if you think elections mattered, why didn't it matter in 2016? If you remember, and, and, you know, you know, the, the, this verdict that came in the other day where Donald Trump was wrongfully convicted, that wasn't, It wasn't the start, it wasn't the finish, but it wasn't even the start. You have to go back to 2016. Ladies and gentlemen, that was darn near 8 years ago, almost a decade ago. And those last 8 years are littered with the left's assault on our constitution, on our way of life, on our values. Almost a decade. They've been kicking sand in our faces, knocked us to the mat, and many of us, we've been are still laying down on the mat, hoping they'd let us up. Not realizing you're gonna have to fight to get up. And you're gonna have to fight dirty. I'm one of those do unto them as they do unto us guys. I'm one of those do unto them before they do unto us. Because we know who they are. And we know what they're capable of. But in 2016, Donald Trump won the presidency. And what did the left immediately do? Call the election illegitimate. Claim Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election. Remember that? And yet they want to call us election deniers? And they weren't just saying it, and it wasn't just a few fringe people on the left perpetrating that lie and that propaganda. It was important people. Very important people. I remember on Donald Trump's inauguration, Seventy members, all Democrats, of the House of Representatives refused to go to the inauguration because they said the election was stolen from them and that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to win it. They said it! And then they formed some commission. I mean this is the lengths they went through and so that's why I said if you, if you think that you're going to be able to work within your institutions on that November will really matter. I said, you haven't been paying attention. Set up some commission. Remember the, the, the Muller commission, a two year investigation, trying to find that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the elections in all those people, every one of them. Nancy Pelosi was in charge of the house. She was the leading Democrat. Anyway, the Democrats, the Republicans in 2016 won the house when she was leading the charge. They demanded a commission to study it, and they did it, and you know, Republicans in Congress went along with it. Oh yeah, sure, we should look into this, if these claims are, you know, being made. No, they should have been told to go to hell. It's part of that not fighting, or thinking you can work within channels, the existing institutions, to get stuff done, to resolve stuff. The courts are corrupt. Our federal government is corrupt. They spent two years, And millions of dollars, knowing what they were working on was a lie. And then finally, you know, Mueller had to come out and he had some mealy mouthed findings from the commission and basically, you know, they, they, they said, he said, there was no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election, to steal the 2016 election. Yet the Democrats continued to run on it. Trump colluded with the, the, the Russians to steal the election. They fought him at every turn. But you know what? This started before 2016. The state that we're in today, the predicament that we're in today, started before 2016. You know when it started? It started with the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency. That's when this started. Ladies and gentlemen, that was 2008. That was 16 years ago. Do you remember when Obama said we're going to fundamentally transform the United States? Those were his words. At the time, we really didn't know what he was talking about. You know, well, you know, presidents say things and you know, not, it rarely ever comes to be. He was serious. They had the levers, their hands on the levers of power. And they were going to do something with it, unlike Republicans, other than Donald Trump. Bush didn't do it. Neither Bush did it. So Barack Hussein Obama, what he did, Was he built the foundation. He planted the seeds. He knew he couldn't in a four or eight year period of time fundamentally transform the United States, but he could set up the foundation, plant the seeds for the next president who they thought was going to be Hillary Clinton and then she, she could take that foundation and And build this permanent hold on power, and change our way of government, and obliterate the constitution. And then Donald Trump got in the way. Many of you have forgotten all this. I haven't. Many of us have a tendency to look in real time, or at the moment, and think, you know, what happened to Donald Trump in that New York court? Well, this is, this is horrible. This started with the election of the first black president of the United States who was a communist. So you look at everything they've done to Donald Trump. And then you look at the 2020 election, which was stolen. There's plenty of evidence. And then they started their witch hunt. Even though they cheated to win, and they got back in the White House, the Democrats, that wasn't enough for them. They were gonna make sure this was never gonna happen again. That some guy from New York, from the Bronx, that some Republican was gonna come along and take power from them. They were gonna make sure, they were gonna make an example of him, and not just an example. Punish him for having the nerve to come down that escalator and declare that he was a candidate for the United States presidency the nerve So what happened in that courtroom in New York was just another episode. It's just another chapter. They're not done They're gonna do everything they can to steal the 2024 election come hell or high water and continue this assault to fundamentally transform the United States as Barack Hussein Obama said He was going to do. He got it started. Right now what we're seeing is the rolling of it, you're rolling it out. They're rolling it out now. The deep state used the Department of Justice as a weapon to go after the opposition, any opposition, any. Jailing, trying to put President Trump in prison. Not only him, his supporters. Giuliani, they're trying to put Steve Bannon in prison. There's another guy whose name, I just can't think of it off the top of my head, who's serving time now. They're systematically going about destroying the people that helped Trump and that surrounded Trump. And then there's January 6th, 2021, remember that? How about that? There was no insurrection. You had a couple of goofs who got a little carried away, that's all that was. And then you had a, a law enforcement officer, I don't know if it was DC Metro or whoever, shot and killed Ashley Babbitt. And they whitewashed that investigation in a short period of time. They said I have nothing to see here Uh, you know, no cause no foul play in all along from starting in 2016 Very few of us did anything bitch And express outrage. We didn't take to the streets. We still haven't taken to the streets. This is a street fight, ladies and gentlemen. If you're going to be involved in a street fight, you must get in the streets. We don't have the courage. We don't have the will. This is amazing. It's just, I've been talking about this since 2016. And I was doing my damnedest to get your attention. Hey, this is what they're doing. Here's what's coming. You know, and we just, you know, went about our merry way. Well, you know, we'll get them at the next election. This isn't about elections. Hell, they have elections in North Korea. They have elections in Russia. They have elections in China. They don't matter. That's what's happening here. These elections to the left don't matter anymore. So, you know, the other day, and I was on an airplane coming back from a speaking engagement. During the deliberations, and a person sitting one row up and across the aisle from me had on CNN, so you know where she was coming from. And the jury hadn't come back at that point, and they had the clock up in the left hand corner of the screen saying, you know, jury deliberating, and it was like 11 plus hours, and it's a clock ticking, you know, and then all of a sudden it flashes across the bottom. Jury has reached a verdict. I was under no illusion, but you know what? I had my fingers crossed. I said, maybe, you know, you know, at some point we need a win. And then it happened. Guilty on all 34 counts. My initial, my initial reaction was anger. And you probably felt the same way. I was angry. So I let some time go by. Flight landed and got a hold of myself and tried to figure out what I was going to do. And the thing is, you know, anger is an emotion. You have to control your anger, otherwise you'll act impulsively, and you'll lash out, and you'll do something stupid, or you'll do something foolish. So I'm always in control. I don't fight anger. I'm always in control of it, though. Keep it under control. And channel it towards something more productive. So, um, you know, I'm looking online. I'm looking at some of the stories, and It's the same typical response from our side, conservatives, republicans, people on the right, the same thing, you know, just outraged, and this should have been no surprise to anybody. This has been going on since 2016. Why didn't you get mad in 2016 when 70 members of congress claimed that stole the election, colluded with the Russians to steal the election? Now we sat back thinking, well, you know, we won and so, you know, this will be okay. And so the left, you know, we sat up there and watched the January 6th, that sham of a commission by the, by the, uh, the Congress. And then we watched all those people be arrested, prosecuted, and convicted and sent to prison for basically trespassing, federal prison. No rallies for the January 6th people, no protests, nothing. That's us. We don't fight. We just bitch. And I've said time and time again on this podcast. As you're asking me, well, you know, what are you doing about it, Clarke? Well, I did a couple things, but if you think I'm going out there by myself, without a throng of people, like minded people, to take on the left in the street, then you haven't been paying attention. I'm not risking everything that I have to be this Don Quixote. We got to organize. I set up an organizing effort, a non profit, Rise Up Wisconsin, political organizing effort. You know how hard it is to politically organize? And I can't get anybody. I can't raise money. Nobody wants to donate. Rise Up Wisconsin. There's a website riseupwisconsin. com. Go there. Check it out. The left can raise money in a New York minute for anything. Our side, and you know what that's typical of our side? Candidates can't raise money. I'm talking about a proper amount. I'm not talking about a couple hundred dollars or a couple million dollars. I'm, you know, I'm talking about. Real money, because you need money to fight this stuff. The left has all the money they need. So, you know, I watched and, you know, during the trial, I kept seeing, as a matter of fact, I think I talked about it on a couple podcasts ago, I said, where's the support? President Trump. There should have been a throng of people, every day during that trial, protesting outside that courthouse, that Manhattan courthouse. Every single day, there should have been hundreds. There wasn't. There wasn't. There should have been Protests and rallies around that D. C. courthouse during the January 6th trial. Every day, beating a drum, sending a message to the left. We're here. We're here. And hell, it's coming with us. That should have been the attitude. No, we sat on social media, right, with our little rants. Useless rants. Those don't work in political warfare. We're at war with the American left, and they declared war on us. So we gotta declare it right back. But we don't have the will. It's just not there. And we think, I hear people, wait till November I can't wait till November 5th. We don't have time to wait. And like I said, if you think that that election is going to turn this around, I'll say it again, you haven't been paying attention. The Republican Congress is inept and I'm seeing things, you know, this crap, and I'll tell you what, you know, the anger is starting to surface again. But I got it under control. Yeah, I see people on, on, on X and Instagram starting petitions. Sign the petition to, you know, get out of here with that! That's an ineffective tactic, sign this petition. So, you know, you, you, you have to ask yourself, you know, where do we go from here? Oh, wait till November 5th and then, you know, things are going to be different. No, they're not. If the Democrats don't cheat enough to win, they'll declare the election, uh, not lawfully gained. They'll call it illegitimate. They will. And you know what? They will take to the streets. I admire the left. They'll get out into the streets for anything. Remember when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade or gave it back to the states? They were in the streets the next day all over the country. Us? Not a country club attitude. Too many of us. We're busy. Well, you know, we're busy. We have jobs. We, you ain't gonna have a job for long. And now I want to talk about the left's reaction and they've been using this tactic for a long time. They have us afraid. Gosh darn it. Stop being afraid. What I'm afraid of is living under communist rule. That's what I'm afraid of. So the left, you know, they, they, especially the news media, but, but others, You know, they, uh, Republicans are, you know, talking violent rhetoric, and this, that, and you know, trying to get us to back down. Don't let that stop you. I want the left afraid of us. I want the left to be afraid of what we might do, and what we're capable of. And we haven't shown them what we're capable of, and we haven't shown them what we might do. Every time the president speaks, oh, he's calling for violence, he goes, good. First of all, he's not but if that's what they think and it's just a tactic to get us to back down I'm not backing down. So the same stuff that they use you talk about calling for violence They called for violence after George Floyd died Remember that I didn't hear anybody on the left telling their side to pipe down They were encouraging that rioting and looting giving it energy So I find this story out of the Atlantic. This is from May 31st, so it's recent. I'm gonna go through some of this. But this is how the left thinks, and this is the tactic they use against us. Oh, they're calling for violence. They'll take something, and they do it with me a lot, that I say, You know I got suspended from Twitter, this was years ago, for saying on Twitter, It's Pitchfork and Torch's time in America. I said that a long time ago. I knew then it was Pitchfork and Torch's time. They suspended me for inappropriate rhetoric. Pitchfork's and Torch's time, I said. So here the Atlantic says after a jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felony, uh, felony charges yesterday, bronze age pervert, the alter ego of the edgelord influencer, Kastan Alamaru, retweeted one of his own posts from March. It is a moving clip, it's a movie clip, depicting a scene of armed men storming buildings and gunning people down. In the text accompanying the post, Brondage pervert jokes that the clip is real footage of a well planned neutralization operation that will take place after Trump wins his re election campaign. The MAGA faithful are once again on the internet threatening violence. First of all, this is part of what I'm talking about. We're on the internet. We're on social media. Get out in the streets. The founders had to do it. Read the Declaration of Independence. The founders knew that only war was going to straighten that out. And then when the left, you know, hears that and says Clarke's calling for war, I don't give a damn what they think. I want them afraid. Of what we might do and what we're capable of. So back to the story here, lots of Republicans, of course, responded to Trump's felony verdict with simple outrage, rather than calls for a neutralization operation. See, we're just out there expressing outrage. It says, but more extreme language has appeared all across the right wing pulsing ecosystem. Some proud boys chapters. Responded with the word war on their telegram channels as reported by Wired and Reuters found instances of Trump supporters calling for violence against jurors and the judge in the case, as well as calls for a civil war and insurrection. Right, a real insurrection. I don't tell people not to do, not to engage in this sort of rhetoric. Do what you think you need to do. I'm not here to tell you, you need to Go on, you need to do this and this and this, but you gotta act. We need action. We have too much talking. So it says an anonymous right wing ex account, formerly Twitter, went viral by posting third world problems require third world solutions on top of a video of the 2020 military coup in Myanmar. The incitement of violence and aggressive political retribution is not new on the right, but it has often been confined to the hardened fringes. And that's the problem. This attitude has to permeate the entire conservative and Republican people. All of us. It says here now, though, some of the more intense rhetoric is coming from the top. Jared Holt, in extremism research at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, told me. Oren McIntyre, a podcast host for the right wing outlet Blaze Media, called for Republican district attorneys to manipulate the courts and put corrupt Democrats in jail immediately with no excuses, no equivocation. Sean Davis, the CEO of the right wing publication The Federalist, posted that members of the right have a moral obligation to terrorize the left with its own rules and tactics until it is destroyed. Amen! You heard me say earlier in this podcast, I'm the do unto them as they do unto us, and do unto them before they do unto us, because we know what they're capable of. See, they engage in that kind of crap, And then when we do it, oh, these people are dangerous, oh, they're violent. No, I want you afraid of what we're capable of, and I want the left afraid of what we might do. Very afraid. See, this is how they get us to back down. Oh, the MAGA Republicans are calling for war. Yeah, we are. This is political warfare. That's a term I've been using for quite some time. So it goes incitement of violence and aggressive political retribution is not new on the right. But it's been confined to the hardened fringes. When it does leak out, it tends to be at least slightly obfuscated. Now though, some of the more intense rhetoric is coming from the top. So you go through the article here. So what's gonna happen next? Right now, probably nothing. Yeah, see that? They know. Nothing's gonna happen. These people don't have the will or the courage to carry any of this stuff out. The article says right here what's gonna happen. Right now, nothing. But then it says there is always a possibility of people taking inspiration from online posts and engaging in real world violence, such as when a conspiracy theory about pedophilia prompted a man to show up with a gun in a pizza restaurant in Washington, D. C., or when a white supremacist shooter in Buffalo killed 10 people in 2022, but mass mobilizations are hard and require work. I just said that. Political organizing is hard. It costs money, it costs time, it costs bodies. Our side just doesn't have the will. So it says there's usually a pattern that precedes them. Mega faithful in their far right did not wake up on January 6, 2021 and decide to storm the Capitol. The foundation for it It didn't even come in the days or weeks before it. Instead, it was a process that bore out over the course of months. And that process could be tracked, in part, in the ever more heated rhetoric and violent memes that MAGA world spread across the web. That's the theme of this article. It goes on. I've read the whole thing and I don't want to You can find it in the Atlantic if you want to read the rest of it. But you see what I mean when, you know, they know we're not capable? We don't really have it in us. We like to talk, sitting behind a computer screen, spitting out, uh, posts. So, you know, I've been talking about this for quite some time. Can't seem to, get people's attention. You know, I keep hearing that, you know, this is the most important election of our lifetime and all that rhetoric. No, it's not. Every election is the most important because it's the, you know, Foundation and hallmark of a representative republic, a representative democracy, voter participation. Yeah, we always get outworked and outhustled at election time, in these national elections and some state elections. The left understands it. Every election they see, school board, dog catcher, they think's important., They'll spend money on a dog catcher's race. Not that there are those, but you get my point. And I'm seeing stuff here online. Contact Jim Jordan and tell him that, you know, those people are useless. They should have already been doing this stuff without being prompted. Instead of just holding hearing. That's all they're good for. Holding hearings that lead to nothing. What happened with the Hunter Biden hearings? Nothing. What happened with Fauci? Nothing! But yet the left will take the justice system, forge it into a club, and beat us over the head with it. All we do is hold hearings. Hearings aren't going to get it done. So, in 2018, after we got clobbered in the midterms, I penned an article. An op ed. It appeared in Town Hall Magazine. You know, the online town hall. And I laid out in the article what was going on. And what we were going to need. I don't just point out the problems. I go, here's some suggestions, some remedies to deal with this. So I'm going to read it. You may have heard me read this before on this podcast in the early days to set the foundation of the type of guy that I am, you know, for many of you who may have heard of me, but don't. know a lot about me, see me on TV talking in soundbites, which is why I started a podcast. The soundbite route is effective, but not in total. To understand when I'm making these points as to what the hell I'm talking about and what we need to start doing. So here's what I wrote. Remember, keep in mind, I updated this a little bit for today, you know, 2020 2022, 2024. But at the time it was 2018 and we just got clobbered. We lost both the House and the Senate. We meaning conservatives slash Republicans. And there's a difference. I'm a conservative. I'm not a Republican. I vote Republican. But listen to what I'm going to read to you that I penned. And this goes back to 2018 and we're in 2024 and everything I talk about in here is happening today. I predicted it. Because it was easy to predict. So here we go. Let me be blunt. I predicted it. It's obvious to me that the political right needs a fighting force, an organized ground level force built on the political, for the political conflicts of the 21st century. Politics has become a contact sport. This force must be, unlike many GOP political figures, who want to avoid contact and seem obsessed with being admired by the left and the editorial boards of the New York Times and Washington Post, rather than pushing back against the people looking to destroy them. Who was it that said, You can't fix stupid. The left, aided by the liberal media, has declared war on conservatives. They have de I said it in 2018! They have declared war on cops. The Constitution, the rule of law, due process, religion, and free speech. To counter this We need political street fighters, brawlers, to help beat back the swamp of liberal political elites, the deep state, never Trumpers on the right in Washington establishment. Currently, we have to rely on a group of your grandfather's Republicans, who mistakenly believe that you can compromise with the left, or that you can win at political warfare from inside the safe space of a think tank, A TV studio or from a DC cocktail party. These are what I call coat holders. They stand on the sidelines, willing to hold your coat as you go it alone and go to war with the progressives, the RNC and the Republican party of many States comes to mind. Let me stop there. I'm tired of hearing from people like Newt Gingrich and others, who when they hear some of the rhetoric being spewed, you know, tell us to calm down and it's not helpful. Yes it is! Get out of the way! Newt Gingrich is one of those, your grandfather's republicans. He's an establishment guy. We need brawlers. We need street fighters willing to get out in the streets, at street level. Back to my column here. Traditional GOP politicians and elites do not realize that going forward into the 2024 elections, the tactics they are currently using that had previously worked to win elections have become obsolete and ineffective at countering the guerrilla type warfare tactics they of the Democrat party and the American left. Somebody needs to tell these Republican intellectual elites that the other side is shooting at us figuratively and literally, as in the case of Congressman Steve Scalise and this new age of political warfare, they have allowed the left to dictate the rules of engagement and turn the left has turned politics And to the art of lying, they control the language that can be used and thus control the narrative. Anyone who thinks the left will play fair or use traditional methods to win debates or elections is dangerously naive. These political ambushes are the metaphorical equivalent of a roadside IED. Often, you won't know the left's blast is coming until it's too late in the election cycle when their 11th hour surprise smears or outright lies appear. Recall when former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years. After the election when Reid was confronted about the outright lie, he smugly responded, It worked, didn't it? Everyone should be awake to the predictable left. Their opposition research digs deep into a GOP candidate's past, finding some innocuous, clumsy statement, photo, or connection, even if it was decades ago, and they smear them with it as if it happened yesterday. They recently did it to Cindy Hyde Smith and her U. S. Senate race, as the Democrats engage in their insidious game of identity politics. Who is behind this? A few culprits are Media Matters, American Bridge, Crew, and ShareBlue. These are the subversive leftist groups running a well funded and organized conservative resistance movement. They are purveyors of misinformation and propaganda. They have made it clear. That elections no longer matter unless they win. And when they lose, they demand recounts, they claim voter suppression, and suspicious uncounted ballots will magically appear. I wrote this in 2018. Media Matters operative David Brock said in a confidential memo that we will fight every day. We're going to resist the normalization We're going to contest every effort, and we're going to resist the normalization of his supporters. In a training manual, Cher Blue proclaimed that Trump allies would be forced to step down or change course due to news published by Cher Blue. They organized boycotts and threatened corporations into not doing business with conservative groups. They conduct training courses on how to write letters and flood newspaper publishers to stop counter view of the media. Op eds from being published and liberal publications. They attack conservatives on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and they flood their Administrators with complaints to get them shut down or suspended. Listen to their tactics. These are the leftist bullies that at a moment's notice can summon a mob of people to show up and raise hell. They were behind the smearing of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. They were the ones who were pounding on the doors of the United States Supreme Court Trying to storm the gates. They call rioting democracy at work. And we're supposed to buy this January 6th insurrection insurrection bullcrap? They engage in political violence. They throw out false allegations of sexual assault or harassment and race baiting along with other types of physical threats, physical violence, and property damage. They are undoubtedly behind the assaults against Republican elected officials and White House staff. And public places like restaurants are at their homes. These leftist groups are a formidable foe that the conservative side currently has no response. We need infrastructure, and we need to mobilize it quickly. I want to be clear. I do not advocate for violence, but I do advocate for more effective counter tactics than the weak kneed ones currently deployed by Rhino Republicans. This new conservative fighter has to rid themselves of their self righteousness about the kind of tactics they will have to use to take on the left's machine. For instance, taking the high road is an ineffective tactic against this opponent, as is merely expressing outrage. Proving that we are better than they are is useless. Besides, I already know I'm better than they, and I don't have to prove that to anybody. This new political fighter has to be able to fight through whatever the left throws at them. And not flinch, apologize, grovel, or abandon a conservative or GOP candidate after an opposition research sneak attack. Think Trump supporter. Let me stop there again. Remember, uh, Santos? It wasn't just the left that took him down, it was the damn Republicans. Then they lost the seat in the special election to the Democrats. That's that holier than thou. That's that, well, we're better than, than, than this. Back to my column here. They have to snicker at being called racist, homophobe, misogynist, transphobic, or Islamophobe, and they need to fight on. In other words, when the left metaphorically throws rocks, the new conservative fighter has to be willing to pick up those rocks and throw them right back. If you need an example, just watch how President Trump fearlessly takes on the left. And the media. Now, I'm aware that many on the conservative side do not have the stomach for this. My response is then get used to losing elections or having them stolen from us. Get used to gun confiscation, get used to government control over every aspect of your life. Get ready for totalitarian fascism. You can stop this. However, if you dare to change tactics and move to the front, and as in the metaphor used by hl. Mencken, you can look him up, by the way, just put it in the search engine, H. L. Mencken. He said, quote, Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist a black flag, and begin slitting throats. It's what the founding fathers did. If you want proof, just read the Declaration of Independence. And read Nat Turner's Rebellion, a runaway slave willing to die for his freedom. Folks, 1964 speech titled, A Time for Choosing. This is our time to stand and fight. It's our time to stand. This is our rendezvous with destiny, and Reagan asked us what our children and our children's children will say about whether we did all that can be done. I wrote that in 2018, and look where we are today. Thanks for listening.

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