America’s Sheriff David Clarke
After nearly four decades in law enforcement, Sheriff David Clarke now works tirelessly in defense of freedom, liberty and the rule of law.
Sheriff Clarke is known as a straight shooter and fondly referred to as America's Sheriff due to his ability to explain complex issues for all to understand. He is a frequent guest commentator for world renowned national news programs on issues such as reasonable use of force by law enforcement, preserving the Second Amendment, complexities of immigration and racial issues.
After retiring, Clarke served as Spokesman/Senior Advisor to President Trump's America First Action PAC. He is a best-selling author of Cop Under Fire, Pres. of America’s Sheriff LLC and Rise Up Wisconsin Inc. He is one of the nation’s top keynote speakers and uses his experience to help organizations navigate complex political issues as a Consultant.
Contact: Judy - JLWilkinsonConsulting@gmail.com (706)518-2116