Straight Talk With America’s Sheriff David Clarke

The Media's Distraction Dance: What Really Matters to Voters? | Episode 62

Season 2 Episode 62

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On the newest Straight Talk Podcast, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke discusses media manipulation and distraction as electoral season heats up. In this episode, Sheriff Clarke argues Americans care more about immigration, the economy, and crime than the Arizona Supreme Court's abortion ruling and how the media has covered it too much. Clarke freely discusses conservative and Republican reactions to the judgment and its implications for the next presidential race. He advises his listeners to focus on America's biggest issues and study the news and become active in politics disciplinedly. Any conservative analyst of current events and politics should listen to this episode before of the US election.

Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke examines media tricks and distractions during election season. Sheriff Clarke said Americans worry more about immigration, the economy, and crime than the Arizona Supreme Court's abortion judgment and media coverage. Think about this sentence. Clarke analyzes conservative and Republican reactions to the ruling and its influence on the next presidential race. He asks his listeners to limit their news and political activity and focus on the most critical US concerns. Given the importance of the next US election, conservative political analysts must listen to this episode.

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Host: Sheriff David Clarke, America's Sheriff

Executive Producer: Judy L. Wilkinson, JL Wilkinson Consulting, LLC 

Producer: Josh Wentz |

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Greetings ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. You're listening to a new episode of the Straight Talk Podcast with your host, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. In case you didn't notice, the sky fell last week. In case you didn't notice, panic set in about the upcoming presidential election, which is going to take place in November of this year. How many times haven't you listened to this podcast where I have advised you, you notice I didn't say told you? I try not to lecture, sometimes it seems like I might be, but I, I, I advise you, as it relates to the world of politics, focus, focus, focus. Focus on what's important here. And what I mean by that is, and then the sky is falling, mention that I made, What happened in the state of Arizona when the Arizona State Supreme Court ruled four to two that the 1824 law, I think it was 1824, which outlawed all abortions except in the case of the life to save the mother, was outlawed. And everybody on the right side of the aisle, politically, Republicans, conservative, panicked. And you know, I've also talked about on this podcast, how the news cycle works and how we're manipulated, how we're easily led away from what's important by the news media who will tell us what's important instead of we the people telling them what we want to hear about. You know, they present these shiny objects that lead us astray. Let me give you some examples. You notice how nobody's talking about the Hunter Biden laptop anymore? And I'm not saying we should be, but remember that's all that anybody was talking about, and the media I'm talking about. That's all they were talking about. Not anymore. And you know, they move us around like this with this shiny object, knowing we will become easily distracted. So the state of Arizona now, according to the United States Supreme Court, and they'll end up, the legislature, controlled by the GOP, and they have a Democrat governor, but they'll change this. Before November, because they, you know, they know that an 1824 law has to be amended. I mean, you got a state of Florida that passed a law banning abortions, I think, after the sixth week. And we didn't have the hysteria, probably because, you know, Florida's not a swing state. But we have to get this notion out of our heads, that the stuff in politics, that the political landscape occurs in a linear fashion because it doesn't. It's more asymmetrical, and it moves, and it darts, and it slows down, and it speeds up, and it's all over the map. I get that, but that's where the discipline comes in. Let's focus on what's important. We just spent the last at least six months listening to from the media and from the polls how Joe Biden cannot win this election. He cannot win this election. We just spent the last six months listening to. The polls and the media tell us that people say these are the three top issues for them, the voters, going into the November election. Number one was immigration. Number two is the economy. And number three is crime. And we've heard this over and over and over again. And I believe that. Don't get me wrong. Then all of a sudden, the Arizona State Supreme Court comes down with this ruling and that gets bounced off of the front page. Immigration? The economy and crime gets bounced off the front page and abortion takes its place as the top issue that we're going to talk about. To which I say, are you kidding me? First of all, I've heard it, you know, all over the map from all the pundits, the talking heads, the experts. Well, Arizona, this changes everything. No, it doesn't. It doesn't change everything. How can you, as a voter, anywhere, even for people living in Arizona, say, my top three issues going into November. Are immigration, the economy, and crime, and then all of a sudden, abortion changes that for you? Are you kidding me? Let me, let me say this about this abortion issue. And yeah, it's a sticky issue for the Republicans and for conservatives because they're afraid of it. You notice how the people on the left are not afraid to talk about late term abortions and post birth abortion? They don't run from it. They don't tell their, their voters and their supporters, Oh, don't, don't talk about that. We don't want anybody to know that. It's loud and clear. Abortion on demand at any time, including post birth. Birth, killing, and murdering of babies. So the Republicans are afraid this is going to change everything. They're running on, the people running for elected office, especially in the Congress right now, they're all changing their position based on what happened in Arizona. Look at the damn what's happening in Arizona. First of all, I'm in Wisconsin. All right, and that issue hasn't raised its ugly head. I know the Democrats will try to make it raise its ugly head going into November. But think about this for a second. I'm going to mention some demographics who don't give a damn about the abortion issue. Number one is black people. First of all, there would be a unique opportunity for the Republican Party, if they're actually going to go after the black vote, to run some ads on how the murder of babies industry is predicated on black women who are more inclined, I shouldn't say more inclined, What I should say is more black babies are aborted than any other demographic. Black babies. That's a form of genocide. Why don't the, why didn't the Republican party market it as such? They're trying to wipe you out and present the data. In 2014 in New York, more black babies were aborted than were born. That to me is startling. You know who else doesn't really care about abortion as an issue? Hispanic voters. They're not all wrapped up in this issue of my right, my ovaries, my whatever. And that's the second largest group that is victimized by abortion, Hispanics. So the Democrats are using it to try to gin up their female voting demographic, I get it, women voters, suburban women, and you know what, do you know how many suburban women would never have an abortion? And never have. Now they still may see it as, well, you know, they're, they're buying into the. My body, my choice. Reproductive freedom. No, it's not. You're killing babies. You're not reproducing anything. So, I, I just, you know, you know, for, for many of these people, um, that are running for Republican seats, I want to keep that in mind. You know, that's not that big an issue. It is for the Democrats, but it shouldn't be for conservatives and Republicans. Men don't, as a demographic, men don't care about that issue. of abortion. So I touched on, you know, three demographics, large ones, that could make a difference in the election in November. Men, Blacks, Hispanics. So why the angst, I say, and I ask. I go back to focus, focus, focus. Now none of us knows, including me, at least I admit it, what's going to happen between now and November. It's the middle of April. This thing, if you subscribe to my theory, or my thesis, The politics happens in an asymmetrical fashion and not a linear fashion. We don't know what's gonna happen between now and November that might change this whole dynamic. I get it. But as long as we have the Democrats on the run about immigration, inflation, the economy, and crime, why don't we keep hammering them with it? Why are we running after their issue of abortion? Oh, we gotta do something. Oh, we gotta be afraid. Oh, we gotta change our stance. I, I, I don't know, I don't get it. You know what it is? It's a lack of discipline. That's what it is. Okay, that was a big deal in Arizona. And yeah, the political pundits, they jump on it because they have to have something to talk about, right? And they're tired of talking about immigration, the inflation, the economy, and crime. They're tired of talking about it. I mean, I've heard people say this changes everything for Joe Biden. No, it doesn't. This issue will settle down. It'll go away like the Hunter Biden laptop story. Eventually, this too, what happened in Arizona, shall pass. And it'll fade back into its rightful place. Way down on the totem pole in terms of an important issue for voters. Way down. You talk to suburban women. It is not the number one issue. It's not. So, and let me say this about the pro lifers. Because remember, in my world, there are no sacred cows. I'm pro life. Everybody knows that. Well, I shouldn't assume everybody does. I've made it clear, my position. I've talked about it on this podcast. Why are the pro lifers? How come they're not flooding to Arizona? I'm seeing the supporters of murdering babies out in the streets in Arizona. I'm seeing, as soon as this decision came down, they hit the streets. How many times have I said we have to do a better job of utilizing protests? To change the dynamic to change opinions to change minds. We don't do it We're horrible at it our side conservatives. We won't we won't get out in the streets The pro baby murder crowd is already demonstrating in front of the state house in arizona already We're the pro lifers. You know what? The pro lifers are good at every may They show up in washington dc to protest And march and rally in front of the united states supreme court Supreme Court in observance of the, you know, it's now defunct, but anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And that's it. I haven't seen a pro life rally in the state of Wisconsin in years. Not one. Where are they? You got all these candidates for office that worry about the pro life vote and what they say and they're dancing and, you know, walking on eggshells and delicate about what they're saying about abortion. Where's the pro life and where's the money? I haven't seen one pro life ad. In years! During elec you know, during election cycles. Where are the ads? Why aren't the pro life groups running TV ads? Talking about the gruesome nature of abortion. I've already given them the script. Talking about how it kills black babies. Talk about use genocide, you know how the left is using genocide as it relates to Israel and the war in Gaza You know, that's their word now genocide. It's happening every day to black babies It is time for the pro life group groups to stand up and be counted get in the streets Counter protests at all of these damn pro life Rallies and protests I'm getting sick of seeing it Never answer them, but then they want to hold Republican candidates feet to the fire. Because they've already done this over, you know, like, as Republican candidates and even office holders switch their stance on abortion. And it's okay if it's fluid, not being in support of it, but, you know, I've said, I take a reasonable approach. I think I read my statement on it. I'll do it again before the November election, where I'm at on it. And one of the things I've said early on is, Nobody wants to get in the way of a doctor and a patient, a patient who's been raped or the victim of incest, who gets pregnant. Nobody wants to get in the middle of that. That should be between her and her doctor. That's not not pro life. My gosh, where's the compassion for heaven's sakes? You have to demonstrate some compassion for a victim of rape or incest. I also flipped a switch. And I talked about Dr. Gosnell, the doctor of death, who's sitting in a federal prison, or it might be a state prison, state prison, right now, in Pennsylvania, for the murder of babies, including post birth, pulling fetuses out that are still alive, that are moving and snapping their necks, using forceps to cut their neck, their spines. That, that hurts just, me just saying it. That's what you do to the left. And you tell them, here's what you support, Dr. Gosnell, and describe it. It's all in the court proceedings. Assistance of his testifying what he was doing. Then how about the harvesting of baby, of, of parts, baby parts? That, that Planned Parenthood woman talking about she needed a a high end car, and she's got to get some money from these baby parts. Remember that? I think it was Porsches she said. I, I, I need, you know, to, you know, Get some money for my Porsche. Remind people of that. All these suburban moms. Remind them of that stuff. I mean, this is the job, not of a Republican candidate. This is the job of the pro life movement. And they need to get their rear ends out there. In the streets, other than in May in Washington, D. C. And in these swing states, where now all of a sudden, you know, and I heard going back to something I just said a couple minutes ago, people saying, well, I guess, you know, that takes Arizona out of the swing state and puts it in Biden's column. No it doesn't, because as those polls were being taken in Arizona, the top three issues for the voters in Arizona going into November were immigration, or illegal immigration, the economy, inflation, and crime. Now all of a sudden number one is abortion? It doesn't work like that. Voting behavior doesn't work like that. Now there are some single issue voters. But for those who are going to change their vote or their position based just on abortion, you can't, you know, you won't win those anyway. That isn't the num, those don't happen in the numbers or don't exist in the numbers that people are portrayed. Oh, abortion is, oh, that's number. No, it's not. This, that thing will settle down. Arizona legislature will figure something out to update that law from, you know, zero to whatever. I mean, I didn't see that affecting, you know, some of these governors that signed these bills. Alabama, I think that was 16 week. I think it's about the national average for the states that, you know, tend to be red. It's, you know, a period of time, gestation, and then they say no more after that. That's reasonable. But I really want to remind these pro lifers out there, stop threatening these candidates. Uh, pulling your support if they change from pro life to, well I support, you know, a 16 week as the, the, the limit or six, whatever it is. Stop it. And keep in mind what I talked about in the last podcast, you know, we got some Supreme Court, United States Supreme Court justices that might be, you know, end up retiring or God forbid they die or get sick or ill or whatever and can't go on. So if you pro lifers, if you like they did with Roe v. Wade. Turned it over to the states, took away federal protection where it didn't belong. Keep that in mind because if Joe Biden or United States Senate, controlled by Democrats, gets to make the decision on Supreme Court replacements, and some of them happen to be conservatives that leave the bench, then you're screwed anyway. That's the prize. The United States Supreme Court. I'm not asking you pro lifers to change your position. I'm just telling you right now. And now I'm telling you. You'll lose it all if Joe Biden becomes President and Chuck Schumer remains the Majority Leader of the U. S. Senate. Because should something happen to Alito or Thomas, God forbid, then you're done. So that's why I always tell people, you know, I advise people, you know, take a deep breath when this stuff breaks. It's breaking news. Take a deep breath and step back for a moment. This too shall pass. We will not be talking about abortion come October. We don't know what's going to be happening in between and if, you know, war could really break out in the Middle East with Iran now threatening retaliatory action against Israel. This thing is spinning out of control. This is not just about, about Israel stopping their offensive in Gaza. So, you know, I don't know what the issue is going to be. What's gonna happen over the summer? I don't know, but neither do all these pundits who claim to know. Speaking of the Middle East, came across this which I found interesting. Son of Hamas founder blasts student supporters in the US. Those pro Palestine need to go to a mental asylum, he said. And I've talked about this guy before. I've read stuff from him on this podcast. You know, so, I remind you, I come back to stuff. It doesn't just this too shall pass. So this is from Newsbreak. com. The son of one of The founders of Hamas has blasted the terror group's student supporters in the United States accusing them of participating in Hamas brutal crimes and declaring that they, quote, need to go to a mental asylum. Mossab Hassan Youssef, the son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Youssef, made the remarks as he appeared on Dr. Phil primetime last week to debate two anti Israel student activists from University of Michigan. This is a quote from Yusef, the son. It's very disappointing to see Americans supporting Hamas and thinking that Hamas is a cool thing while Hamas does not respect any of those fallacers, Yusef said. The Hamas defector, we're talking about Yusef, the son. The mass defector said the bloodthirsty terrorists would torture them and massacre them with no mercy. Yes, that's how stupid these pro Palestine people are. What should happen is somebody should, should arrange a, a, a, a tour of Gaza and take all these pink and purple haired and rainbow flag wearing people, take them over there and take them on a bus tour and drop them off for a day and say, go, go explore, you, you're pro Palestinian, go out there and see how this really works. You'll see what really happens. Like this son of this Hamas defector said, they would torture them and massacre them with no mercy. Yusuf went on to explain how the militants refer to their American supporters as useful idiots. He called Hamas a monster that has been hijacking an entire society and endangering the entire Middle East, pushing the world toward a global war. War. Quote, from Yusuf the son, what's happening is insanity. Those pro Palestine need to go to a mental asylum. Yusuf said he knew what he was talking about because he spent time in prison with Hamas leaders. Quote, I was born there and part of that culture, part of that religion, he explained. Some people hear about Hamas. Or they see an avatar of a Hamas fighter carrying a rifle, a freedom fighter, and they think it's a fancy idea to support such a monster. Turning the page, big thing going on in Washington, D. C., one of the big things, because everything's a big deal in Washington, D. C., and I say that facetiously, is this, uh, Section 702 of the Patriot Act, or whatever they call it now. Every time it's renewed, it's got a new name. And there's some pushback on People supporting the Constitution. Let me read you what it says. From the Constitution. And keep this in mind as we talk about this next topic. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, or communities. Papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, shall not, not should not, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. It's that simple. No unreasonable searches. And you know what, I'm Other Supreme Court definitions and case laws said what, what, what it means to be unreasonable is without a warrant. What makes the search reasonable by the government is with a warrant. It doesn't say what makes it reasonable is a threat to national security and, you know, we don't have time and, and it's confidential and we can't talk. It doesn't say that here, ladies and gentlemen. It says no unreasonable searches. Period. Get a warrant. That's all you have to do. It doesn't say the government can never search. It says get a warrant. And I know what you're going to hear, because you're going to hear the same bullcrap every time these issues come up dealing with the FBI and the DOJ and, you know, oh, oh, you know, and the, the intel agencies and the CIO, you know, oh, you know, the, the, the sky is falling and the world's going to end and we, we don't have time to get a warrant, well then you don't have time to get a warrant, then you're SOL, out of luck, I know it said SOL, but I'll, in case boys and girls are listening. You're SOL. That's what the Constitution said. That's what the Founders want. That's what the Founders knew. He knew of the tendency for governments to be abusive and to overstep that. And I've spent a lot of time on this podcast talking about the FBI abuses as it relates to privacy of individual citizens over and over and over again. I think that the classic case It's a Steele dossier where you had high ranking people within the FBI that authorized people to go to a FISA court and lie and withhold information to get a search warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. They lied under oath and nothing happened. And how many times have I read of other abuses by the government where the inspector general has filed illegal searches? And not like two or three, but like tens? Of thousands of times. And what do we get from the FBI? Well, we put some safeguards in place to prevent that from happening again. And it keeps on happening because the FBI doesn't give a damn about what the law says and they're never held accountable for it. Never. And so every time I hear when these renewals come up and we're hearing it again under this section 702, Of the FISA bill to renew it, you know, oh, we got safeguards in place now that we've written in here to make it's all bs Because the fbi just ignores it Anyway, no reform effort that has been undertaken since the inspector general is finding all these things and a new reform is put in place No reform effort ever succeeds. They just find new ways around it. Or they don't tell you, or they bury it in a classified document so that you never know your rights have been abused. Under the fourth amendment. And you know, we're just kind of like, you know, we just, you know, the shoulder shrug and all that's terrible. And I hope these reforms work and I, none of it, it's all bullcrap. Who was it that said he, who would give up privacy for a little security deserves neither privacy nor security was right. We don't deserve it. Well, you know, the government has assured us that, you know, terrorism, I don't give a damn about that. I care about the constitution. And what it says. And if the government sees a need to violate Americans rights, go get a warrant, then you're, you're, you're covered. Tell the truth under oath or affirmation, like the fourth amendment says, you got to swear that what you're telling is the truth, and then it's all, you know, you know, hide stuff. They didn't tell that FISA judge. Well, you know, the steel dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign. They didn't tell the judge that, and then everybody just was allowed to, you know, move along. Nothing to see here. Nobody gets fired, nobody gets demoted, nobody gets suspended, nobody gets prosecuted. And every time some of this, one of these things comes up for renewals, well, we have to do this because, you know, there's terrorist threats out there and, and, you know, we gotta, no you don't, go get a damn warrant. It's what Congress should tell these people. And stop falling for all that sky is falling rhetoric. Well, we don't have time and, and they haven't been able to produce one instance, not one where they weren't able to. Interrupt a terrorist plot because, you know, they took the time to get a warrant and in the interim, you know, kaboom. They don't have one instance because there are none! But they use that standard line and these idiots in Congress fall for it. Well, we don't want to be the ones that are blamed for, uh, not being able to prevent a terrorist attack. These people can't be trusted. The FBI, the CIA, the intel agencies, the DOJ, they can't be trusted. No reform is going to stop them. So anyway, with the renewal of his FISA bill, Trump urges House Republicans to kill FISA bill, adding to the headaches for Speaker Johnson. That's the headline of this from CNN. com. Let me stop right there and talk about Speaker Johnson. I've had his back, but my patience with him is wearing thin. Very thin. I have been willing to give this guy a chance. To find his sea legs, if you will. To get up to speed. You know, he was handed the speakership. And that's like a, a ball of tangled fishing line. Trying to sort out. I get it. Gonna take him time. I get it. And I've been willing to give him time. But my patience is wearing thin with Speaker Johnson. Because he's caving to this typical Washington D. C. nonsense. Like on the Ukraine bill, he's starting to cave. And now in this fight, he was against this provision in here that allowed the FBI to do warrantless searches. Originally he was against it. Now all of a sudden he says, well I've talked to some people and I think that needs to be in there. No it doesn't. So anyway, going back to the article here. Former President Donald Trump is urging House Republicans to kill a surveillance reauthorization bill ahead of a key procedural vote on Wednesday, adding to headaches for GOP leaders who have struggled to build support for the legislation as it faces pushback from conservative hardliners. Quote, this is a post from President Trump on Truth Social. Kill FISA. Trump wading into the debate now is a major problem for House Speaker Mike Johnson. That could imperil the entire bill as some hardliners were already either critical of the measure or on the fence about it. Goes on to say here, FISA and Section 702 have been essential to intercepting communications of dangerous foreign actors overseas, understanding the threats against our country, countering our adversaries, and saving countless American lives, Johnson said in a letter to colleagues on Friday. Where did he get that crap from? Chuck Schumer? Christopher Wray? That's right out of their book. They say countless, they can't name one instance. And if they were forced to, they'd say, well, that's confidential. We can't talk about it. Well, then it's not important enough. American people want to know before we give you more authority to step on their rights. They want to know. Countless, you know why it's countless? Because the answer is, the amount is zero. That's why it's countless. The amount of American lives that these inept people have saved is zero. How many terrorist actions since 9 11 in this country have happened, and after it did, the FBI, yeah, that guy was on our radars, he was in our radar screen. But they did nothing to stop it or intercept it. Nothing. To a, a foreign adversary. But now they want to spy on American citizens. Who aren't involved in terror but happen to be caught up in this net, because this whole damn act, FISA, was supposed to deal with foreign nationals on foreign soil, not American citizens on American soil. Get a warrant. And why the Republicans in Congress are, you know, Well, you know, they say they need it because it's, you know, it's, it's saving countless lives. Why they're falling for this crap is beyond me. They ought to kill this whole damn thing. Section 702, this whole FISA thing, kill it all. Just go get a warrant. That should be the, the standard take on all this. Go get a warrant. What's the Constitution say? So it says here, The Speaker went on to say that the bill the House is expected to take up includes reforms. See, there we go again. Reform. Includes reforms. They have reformed this thing over and over and over again and nothing works. They still keep spying on Americans without a warrant. Includes reforms. See and then we the people we fought for this crap. Well, yeah, we got a you know, we need a balancing act We got to stop terrorism and we got to give up some of our rights No, we don't and don't get me started on that TSA crap that I've talked about on this podcast That's another thing that needs to be ended. All that was an overreaction to 9 11 because the federal Intel agencies. Responsible for that, to have thwarted 9 11, was sleep at the switch. So we give them all this authority now, because that was their excuse. Wow, we could have stopped 9 11, but we needed more tools. Remember, that's another one they like? We need more tools. And you have Congress parrot that crap. We have to give them more tools. No we don't. These people are incompetent. I'm surprised they can tie their shoes when they get up in the morning. So, this bill includes reforms, quote, that will establish new procedures to rein in the FBI, increase accountability at the FISA court, and impose penalties for wrongdoing and institute unprecedented transparency across the FISA process so we no longer have to wait years to uncover provincial abuses. If you actually believe that, Then you are an idiot. We keep hearing this same stuff over and over and over again And even as the inspector general finds this and they put you know The fbi says we have procedures in place to prevent that he comes back a year later and says the abuses are still occurring And then of course, yeah, we will you know, we find out this stuff happened in you know, 2018. It's too late imposing penalties for wrongdoing When's the last time an inspector general found Blatant abuses, and notified the FBI of the abuses and anything happened to anybody involved in it. It penalties for wrongdoing. Untr Listen to this. And institute unprecedented transparency across the FISA process. It's a secret court! There's no transparency involved. Nobody involved in the FISA process can talk about it. The judges can't talk about it. The hearings are held in pri in, in secrecy. What do you mean more transpa Who's supposed to be stupid enough to believe this crap? More transparency? Every time you ask the FBI about something that went on during the FISA process, they say, well, that's confidential information and that'll imperil the process. The people involved in, you know, would, uh, could, you know, curtail, uh, uh, national security. It's a secret court. What are you talking about? Unprecedented transparency. See now many people read this and then they just keep reading and moving on. I always stop and I go, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I need to talk about this on the podcast. I bet many of you have not seen this article. Not that you need to, but that's what you have me for. And I read critically. Okay. And when I see stuff like this, words matter, I, I, I thought, unprecedented transparency in the FISA process. It's a secret process. It should happen out in the open. And all the transcripts should be available to the media who ask for it. Through a, you know, a FISA, um, open records, well that's the state level, Freedom of Information Act. You can't get anything from the FISA court under a Freedom of Information Act. So, what transparency do they have in place? So, it says here, and this is important too, Johnson has previously announced that the House will take up a Pfizer reauthorization bill this week. The bill, titled, The Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act. Yeah, right. Would reauthorize Section 702 of Pfizer for five years, and aims to impose a series of reforms. Oh, here we go again. This is like the 187th time we've tried to reform these abusive institutions, these abusive practices, and this abusive process. It just doesn't stop. And yet they, you know, they testify to this crap at these hearings. I'm talking about members of Congress and the FBI. Oh yeah, we're doing everything we can to protect the rights of the American people. No they're not. That's a lie. And nobody stops Christopher Wray dead in his tracks and then starts reading the stuff that I read to you that well, how about this? The I. T. said he found tens of thousands and that the reforms that they promised to make didn't take hold. They don't, they don't stop them. They just, you know, they all nod their heads and we have to do everything we can to stop terrorism. I'm tired of this crap. I'm just tired of it. So it says here, and this is a quote, FISA and section 702 have been essential. In intercepting communications of dangerous foreign actors overseas, understanding the threats against our country, countering our adversaries, and saving countless American lives, Johnson said in a letter to colleagues, our responsible, our responsibility now is simple. Now remember, listen to this, because I just talked about it. Our responsibility now is simple. Maintain the tool, but strictly prohibit future abuses. They've been doing this since 9 11. Giving them tools. And safeguarding Americans essential liberties. No, they haven't. I mean, they've been saying that since 9 11. And, damn, they're not doing that. They're still spying on Americans on U. S. soil without a warrant. The Speaker went on to say that the bill the House is expected to take up includes reforms that will establish new procedures to rein in the FBI over and over and over again, impose penalties for wrongdoing, institute unprecedented transparency, Across the FISA process so we no longer have to wait years to uncover potential abuses. Nothing has changed about our rights being trampled on by the federal government. And nothing will change. As a matter of fact, it'll get worse. So if you get a chance, I mean, they're testifying this as I speak. They're trying to fast track it. There's no need to, but that's how things happen in Washington, D. C. Because no person in Congress wants to be accused of The next terror attack, accused of standing in the way of the federal government, interrupting or intervening on the attack. These people aren't competent anyway. They make themselves seem like they're in the know, like they're good. They're not. And the next time one of these happens, and it will, I'll remind you of it. Oh, how come the FBI wasn't able to, and the CIA, and the intel agencies, where were they? Well, it was on our radar screen. I'm tired of hearing that too. Anyway. Enjoy the rest of your week. When you talk about race, crime, and politics, some folks lose sleep over this, but not me because I sleep just fine on my Giza dream sheets and pillow from my pillow, especially this new 2.0. If you haven't gotten yours yet, you are missing out, just go to and use promo code Clark at C-L-A-R-K-E and save up to 66% off. The direct link is also available on my website, America Get a great night's sleep so we can continue the fight. Friends, I want to thank you for listening to today's episode of Straight Talk with yours truly, America's Sheriff David Clarke. And a special thank you also goes out to our sponsors. My goal as always is to break down these complex and many times controversial issues and bring it to you straight with a little dose of common sense, no media bias, no talking points, just truth. And this podcast would not be possible without your support. I hope you enjoyed this episode. And if you did, please leave a review at apple podcast Spotify or your favorite place to listen, and please share this message of common sense on social media. For more content, be sure to follow me on Truth social Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This podcast is brought to you by America With executive producer Judy Wilkinson of JL Wilkinson Consulting and producer Josh Wentz, in partnership with our friends at Bulldog Media. If you are interested in partnering with straight talk podcasts or having me speak in your area, please contact Judy at JL Wilkinson consulting at gmail. com 706 518 2116. That's JL Wilkinson Consulting at gmail. com. Phone number 706 518 2116.

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