Straight Talk With America’s Sheriff David Clarke

Seismic Shift in Presidential Race: Biden's Debate Debacle | Ep 73

Season 2 Episode 73

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Welcome to another fiery episode of Straight Talk Podcast with your host, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. Today, we dissect the seismic shift in the presidential race following the much-anticipated debate between President Trump and Joe Biden. Sheriff Clarke exposes Biden's disastrous performance, the fallout, and potential strategies the Democratic Party may employ. He explores the implications for Biden's candidacy, possible legal challenges in replacing him as nominee, and the impact on national security. Tune in for a no-holds-barred analysis of the debate that has everyone talking and its far-reaching consequences for American politics.


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Host: Sheriff David Clarke, America's Sheriff

Executive Producer: Judy L. Wilkinson, JL Wilkinson Consulting, LLC 

Producer: Josh Wentz |

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Wow, you're listening to the Straight Talk podcast with your host, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. That's not what the wow is about, ladies and gentlemen. There's been a seismic shift in the presidential sweepstakes, the presidential race. And as I've been saying ever since I started this podcast, what's happening today isn't necessarily what's going to affect the race come October or November. And I say that every time one of these One of these, you know, a shaking out or a surprise development, but this one was seismic. And I'm talking about the debate from last week between President Trump and Joe Biden. And it was a debate that was requested by Joe Biden. And I really believe that their campaign didn't think Trump would accept it to go on CNN into enemy territory. And have all of the rules in Biden's favor. Trump doesn't care about that. Trump's not afraid of anything. Anyone. Anywhere. So he accepted it. And then Biden asked, the Biden camp asked for all of these rules. So Trump says, okay, Cal, I can do that. The only one that, that he was against was sitting down. Because tactically, you want Biden to have to stand under those hot lights for 90 minutes. Yeah, a couple commercial breaks, but not long. It's a long time for. An 81 year old man who's in mental decline to be standing up on a stage, like I said, with the hot spotlight shining down on him. And Biden folded like a cheap suit. He did so bad. And you know what? We've all known, when I say we, you, me, conservatives, some Republicans, we've known for several years that Biden has been in mental decline. It was obvious, you could see it, you could hear it, when he talks and he starts to mumble. And then you can't even understand what he says, he says a sentence and you go, what? And what did the left do? Ah, you're making it up. Ah, you're, that's fake news, deep fakes they called it, that, that, that certain pictures and videos of Biden and audio recordings of him mumbling were manufactured by the Trump campaign and by the people on the right. But they knew. They're with the man every day. We only get to see it once in a while, when they let him out in the public. They're with him every day. They knew, but they were able to concoct a way to prop this guy up. I'm glad Trump referred to him as the Manchurian candidate, because that's exactly what he is. For the Democrats. This isn't about Joe Biden. He's just a figurehead. They got him through once, and they just, they felt if we could just get him through again. He can win this thing and then after a year and a second term, turn it over to Kamala Harris. I believe that was the plan all along. Can we just prop Joe up in a chair like weekend at Bernie's the movie and drag this guy across the finish line? And you know what they got within four months of that master plan, working again four months. They could see the finish line, dragging Joe Biden behind them. They could see it. But I believe, because this is how my mind thinks, nobody on the left, I'm talking about the party leaders, the donors, the party officials, they all knew it. But I also believe they had a plan B all along in case this thing fell apart like a house of cards. And that's exactly what happened on debate night. Because to me it was too much of a coincidence. That's Ladies and gentlemen, before the lights went off on the stage, on cue, big names, powerful people in the Democrat party, all in unison in post debate analysis, in unison, said Joe's gotta go, we can't have this. I mean, in unison? I mean not even 24 hours later? Not even just some mumblings? I mean that whole panel on CNN in the post debate analysis, there were eight people up there, pundits. They all, to a tee, said this is a train wreck, he's got to go, he's got to step down, he's got to be, they all said it, not one, you would think the odds would, would there be a couple that say, yeah, you know, we need to look at this, we might be in a little bit of trouble, I mean, they all threw him overboard, donors chimed in, panic set in, but I think the fact that you had all of those bigwigs saying it right after the debate, They had that plan B queued up all along in case they needed it. I don't think they were shocked by Joel's performance. They said they were. They're lying. They knew that guy was in mental decline. They knew it was bad. But they thought, we just gotta hold out now. Just hold on. And get him to the finish line. But the cat was out of the bag after that performance. I mean all of America, I think the ratings came out 40, no 70, 79 million people watched. All of America that watched it saw it for themselves. The ones, especially on the left, I'm not talking about you and I. We've known it. We've pointed it out. But those people on the left, when they saw what they saw, I'm talking about the voters, I'm not talking about the party. Look, the, the, the Biden campaign, they knew. James Carville, he knew. Before that debate, this guy might not make it. They knew. But the voters, the Democrat voters, the ones who eat all this crap up. I mean, the New York Times came out with an op ed the following day, said Joe's got to go. The New York Times! The one who's been covering for this guy in mental decline for over three years. The New York Times. Folks, these are some heavy hitters. They didn't even beat around the bush. They just, this guy's got to go. He's incapable of being the President of the United States. So, to me, it was just, it seemed too organized. The calls for him to step down, it seemed too organized. But here's the thing. And I don't want our side to get too overconfident over this. Things change. It won't surprise me when the polling comes out post debate. You might not see too much change, and then the left will go, Yeah, that, look, see, hey, dang, I guess we can go with Joe. I guess it was a false alarm. Maybe we, you know, jumped in too soon. Because they can find some polling that, you know, that maybe there's no shift in it. It's still neck and neck, 49, 48, Biden, 50 to 49, and in swing states. But I think, another thing too, and this is just my experience in a poll, Political environment and I trust my political instincts. I know a lot of people don't and I don't mean you folks You trust my instincts. I'm talking about all these talking heads including on the right. I trust my political instincts They got a tiger by the tail. They may not be able to Remove Biden. They might not be able to not only not talk him out of it They might not be able to force them out of it because of rules election rules on ballot You know getting out of ballots in 50 different states There are 50 sets of rules. These federal elections are run by the states, not the federal government. You don't have uniform rules on ballot access. And some states, they might not. It's too late to replace him, to take his name off. Biden still owns all those damn delegates. Those belong to him. He doesn't have to give them up. And I just, I don't, I don't know the precedent of him winning all those primaries. I mean, he won every single one, like 90%. Rippon. See yous later. Those delegates are his. I don't think they can walk away. I think they have to be released. Now, I'm not a federal election rules expert, but we have these primaries for a reason. Then those delegates to the winner are obligated at the convention to nominate Biden. Now, you know, these are Democrats we're talking about. They don't care about no damn rules. I could see them going to the convention and in defiance of the convention rules, theirs? This ain't too bad. We don't care about no stinking rules. They've done that with the Constitution. They've done that with the rule of law. They don't care about rules in the law. They're gonna do what they want to do. I mean, who's gonna stop them? Although in some of the states who have rules, they could stop them. They could stop the DNC from running roughshod all over the rules and, and freeing these delegates up. Right now, Biden's holding on. He says he's, he's in. Now, I don't know. A lot will happen. First of all, this will be a long process to get Biden out of the way. This won't happen in 4270. It won't happen this week. It won't happen next week because there's too many moving parts that have to be satisfied first. First, they got to go to Joe and try to convince him and he could tell him go fly a kite. Now, there's some chicanery they can use. Hey, Joe, you know, uh, this thing with, uh, used, you know, selling access and whatnot. You know, we sure would hate for you to be investigated and charged with that. You know, there could, stuff like that goes on. And Joe will promise that we won't, and we'll, you know, if we win, we'll be covered. If the Republicans win, I don't know, well, we don't control that. But you might lose anyway, Joe. Because I believe that there's internal polling in the Biden camp that shows he is trailing and by a significant margin in these swing states. What's a significant margin? Four to five points, because that's usually within the margin of error, and I think that was at play here, too, that, hey, if Joe does bad in this thing, why don't we pull that, break the glass, pull the fire alarm, and get him out of here. Because of the polling numbers, not necessarily because of how he looked on stage at that debate. They can cover that with their voters. They can cover that. You know, for the women voters, who he has a significant lead with, their voters. You know, just play the abortion card. Pound it. Pound it. Pound it. Pound it. Pound it. So, they'll have to get the lawyers involved and say, what are our options? What can we do and what can't we do? Which is why I said, and you're gonna have all the heavy hitters. Obama, Hillary Clinton, the big donors, the party bigwigs will all be in a room. And first, they have to figure out what their options are. That's why I said, don't look for this to, to be, you know, rectified in even the next two weeks. Not going to happen, because if they don't cover all their bases, they may be left off the, the, uh, you know, and Joe steps aside, they may be stuck with his name on the ballot. So they'll first have to satisfy Joe, and then you got Jill, you know, she's loving this position of first lady and she doesn't want to give it up, and they got all the delegates. And who was that guy, that governor of Illinois, Blagojevich, I think his name was, who, who when, when Obama won the presidency and, and it was an open. Senate seat, and the governor gets to pick the successor. And Blagojevich said, hey, this thing, I'm not giving this thing away free, this is worth something. And so Biden's got to be thinking, these delegates are mine. I'm not freeing them just because you want me to. And so, this may go on for a little while. But here's the thing. Their options are few. One is to ask Joe to step aside. You can't leave him in office. He's got seven months remaining, at least. Five, six months. He's got the election in November, but then he doesn't leave until January. So do the math. What is it? Six months, maybe? You can't leave him there. If the Democrats know this guy doesn't have the mental acuity, how can you leave him in office for those six months? This is a national security threat. It's a domestic security threat. You got a guy with diminished mental capacity, In charge? Making decisions? Now some will say, well he's not really making decisions, it's these other people, it's Obama's the shadow president and the deep sea, okay fine. But constitutionally, it's Biden. And if Biden orders something in those last six months, man, you almost have to carry it out. He's the commander in chief, he's the president of the United States, he's in charge of the federal bureaucracy right now. See what I mean when I say they got a tiger by the tail? But, but if the, even if they ask him not to run, do they not care about this country? Do they hate this country, the Democrats, so much that they would leave us in this dangerous state with Joe Biden with mental deficiency, what the hell? Don't they care? What if there's an international incident? What if there's a domestic incident? You want Joe Biden making those decisions? So they gotta consider that. If we're saying, cause they're saying it now. Look, the cat's out of the bag. They're saying Joe doesn't have it anymore. Well then you can't leave him there until January of 2025. You gotta get him to resign now. Now the constitutional issues are at play. The president vacates the office, the vice president becomes president. Now they have a Kamala Harris problem. The Democrats, the DNC, the Democrat Party. Do you think she's gonna step aside? Do you think this is gonna be like with Nixon? First, you know, they got rid of Spiro T. Agnew. And then they worked out a deal with Nixon. Look, you're leaving. We'll let you name the Vice President. And then they worked out with Gerald Ford that you'll pardon him. Do you think Kamala Harris, if she's elevated to be President of the United States, that she's just gonna walk away? She's gonna be their candidate. But she's not liked even inside the party. Her approval numbers, as you've probably heard, are lower than Joe Biden's. They know they can't win with her in November. So what good does getting rid of Biden do if Harris is next person up? This is a quandary for them. It's a dilemma. I mean, I don't know if Joe is going to, if Joe leaves, I don't think he's going to endorse her. I don't know that. He doesn't like her. So then what? Well, now you've got to look at the bench, right? Right. This greasy slick Governor of California. What a greaseball. Gavin Newsom, he's got so many skeletons in his closet. It's amazing. J. B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois. I don't know, he ain't doing much for me. And I know I'm not a Democrat voter, but I don't think he's doing much for many people in the party either. What about Gretchen Whitmer? I don't know, does she move the needle? Probably a little more than, um, Newsome and Pritzker. And she's, you know, get your identity politics checklist out. She checks a box. Female. And there's a couple other governors names out there. Shapiro of Pennsylvania's been told. I don't know. That's, that's, I don't, I'm not gonna worry about that. That's their problem. That's why I said they got a tiger by the tail here. I don't know what they're gonna do. I don't know what they can do. But again, do not fall into the trap of thinking this thing's in the bag now. Four months out. Don't do it. The Democrat cheat operation is still their ace in the hole. That's how they got Biden across the finish line in 2020. The cheat operation. So I came across one thing that I found, a couple things I found interesting on this topic. You know, we, we, I talked about the, the Harris problem, Kamala Harris problem. Well, James Clyburn, Democrat congressman from South Carolina, he's the one that's mainly responsible for Joe Biden being president of the United States today anyway. Joe was on his last leg. He lost in Iowa. He got hammered in New Hampshire. South Carolina was it. If he would have lost South Carolina, his campaign was over. James Clyburn comes out in the South Carolina primary and says, Biden's my guy. He's the guy we got to vote for. South Carolina, I think, has the largest, percentage wise, of black voters of any state in the country. I said, you know, per capita. Not the largest total number, but per capita. South Carolina. And he encouraged all blacks to vote for Biden. Biden won South Carolina, and the dominoes fell. Warren got out. Who else was in there? Sanders got out. They all bowed out, and they all got behind Biden. See, that's how the Democrats do things. I admire them strategically. These other people, Sanders was going to win that damn nomination. He won it in 2016 for the Democrats, the primary, but for Hillary Clinton and her shenanigans within the party with these super delegates. Remember that? 2020 was Sanders. He was going to win. And they knew, the Democrats, we can't win with Bernie Sanders, he's a stone cold socialist. Most of them are socialists anyway, but they're not stone cold. Bernie Sanders is a stone cold socialist. They knew they couldn't win with him, but he was going to win that nomination. but He steps down. Elizabeth Warren, and there were a couple others, they all stepped down and said, let's get behind Joe. See, Republicans don't do that. If they have a tough primary, the other people who didn't win or, you know, have to bow out, they get bitter. And they pick up their ball and they go home. The Democrats don't do that. The Democrats said, hey, the name of the game is win. At all costs, put your selfish interests aside and win for the party. That's their attitude, not so much the Republican Party. But anyway, so Biden's the President of the United States because of James Clyburn. Well, Clyburn popped, piped in the other day, after this debate. You know what he says? He says he's for Harris if Biden ain't there. And if Biden ain't there is in quotes. Representative Jim Clyburn said he would support Vice President Kamala Harris taking over. The top spot on the ticket, if President Biden ain't there. I'm a Biden Harris person, so I'm not going to get away from that. I'm for Biden Harris. I'm going to be for Biden if Harris ain't there, and I'm going to be for Harris if Biden ain't there, Clyburn said, told the USA Today. Still Clyburn, who is widely viewed as responsible for Biden's primary victory in South Carolina, which propelled him to the presidential nomination in 2020. Told both the Hill and the USA Today that Democrats should stay the course and chill out, even as calls for Harris to replace Biden as presumptive Democratic presidential nominee persist. A South Carolina Democrat conceded the president had a poor performance during Thursday's debate. But if it had been a game of baseball, the president would get two more swings, he added. Yeah, well, Mr. Clyburn, this ain't baseball. This is a national security issue. If you're saying he's incapable That he can't stay there, but you're willing to stay the court. You see what these Democrats are doing. You see what what they are? They're willing to risk the national security of the United States and a domestic security to hang on to Joe Biden. They're willing to do that. So, you know, it's ask Friday if there would be a better Democrat to communicate the party's message Clyburn said no, there is no better Democrat. Well, they might have to find one. And then there's this. Remember I said there are several moving parts here There's the campaign rules, from state to state, that come into play here. Here's an article, foxnews. com, Heritage Foundation working on election legal challenges in case Biden is pulled from the DNC nomination. Yeah, you know, we kind of want Biden there, don't we? Although it's a security risk, but it says here in this piece, a major conservative activist group is preparing for legal battles in case the Democrat party chooses to pull President Biden out of the primary running. After he becomes the nominee, the Heritage Foundation, one of the United States most prominent, well connected, conservative activist group is laying the groundwork in case a sudden switch up in the Democrat roster sparks a legal war. Quote, We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside either now or before the election and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated. Executive Director of the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project, Mike Howell, said in a statement, We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed. Good. Heritage has already identified multiple states Biden before or after the nomination could mean serious trouble for the Democrat Party. But, folks, the Democrats don't care about that. They're going to do what they want and then haggle this out in the courts. So, in a separate statement, the Oversight Project warned that if the Biden family decides that President Biden will not run for re-election, the mechanisms for replacing him on ballots varies by state. Like I said, there is a potential for pre election litigation in some states. That would make the process difficult and perhaps unsuccessful. Quote, given the inspected intensity of election integrity concerns in this election cycle, policymakers and the public should be educated and aware of the contentious path ahead, it said. So here's some examples here. Heritage points out that many states, including swing states such as Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin, might not allow a replacement on the ballot. Keep in mind, the Democrats don't care about that. They'll do it anyway and then they'll challenge it in the courts. And it'll go to some, you know, D. C. circuit or some place like that to have this heard. And potentially drag it out, hoping that a decision can't be made before November 5th. That's how they work. So, here's some examples. Wisconsin, my state, does not allow a candidate's name to be withdrawn from the ballot except due to death. Nevada allows challenges to its ballot up until 5 p. m. on the 4th Friday of June in the election year. Folks, that came and went last week. That was the 4th Friday in June. It's July 2nd. So that ship has sailed. And also in Nevada it says it allows special consideration for if nominees die or are determined to be mentally unable to proceed. Okay, so let's say the Democrats in Nevada go, He's unable to proceed mentally. Then why are we leaving him there? Why are we leaving him as President of the United States with the nuclear codes putting the United States in national security harms way? Why are we doing that if the Democrats are going to say, hey, our guy's mentally incapable? You know, after three years saying that he was, by the way. So, it says here, Georgia would allow Biden to withdraw up to 60 days before the election. If Biden withdraws afterwards, his name would remain on the ballot, but votes for him would be discarded. So, see, even if the Democrats came up with somebody else, you know, after their, their, their, uh, convention, okay, you might be able to, in Georgia, get that person's name. Let's just, for example, might be able to get Gretchen Whitmer's name on the ballot in Georgia, but you have to leave Biden's name on there. You know, a lot of people are going to go in there and vote for Biden. Anyway, unaware of, you know, what's going on. So it says, other states have restrictions on timing and the reason for withdrawal from ballots, while others have no procedures on the book, making the prospect of switching Biden out an even more perilous legal minefield. Fox News contributor Jason Chavitz, he's a former congressman, told Fox and Friends Weekend that this whole idea, this whole notion that maybe they should get a different candidate, that's just not how the system works, folks. It depends on the states. Elections are not run by the party. They're not run by the federal government. They're administered by the states. Each state has state law. Once you go through the primary, once you go through the caucus, you have to follow that law. But Democrats don't care about the law. They're gonna do what's in their best interest in this process and try to win it in court. Or muck it up so bad you know, because they won't hesitate to do that either. That maybe a decision can't be made until after November 5th. They're okay with that, as long as they get accomplished their objective. Hey, we want Biden out of there if that's what they want. And here's the other thing, I'm going to end with this. You know, I'm trying to continue to warn about overconfidence. Biden could still win. Biden's got at least 49 percent, in the polling anyway, of the country behind him. There's still people who are going to vote for Joe Biden. Democrat voters I'm talking about. From their constituencies, you know, the L, B, alphabet, soup, whatever that is, Blacks, and all their other constituencies, would still vote for Biden and his mental decline. Would still vote for him. That's what I find to be the whole shame in this, this whole damn thing. That these Democrat voters, this is only about one thing, ladies and gentlemen. Beating Trump. That's the goal. And if they feel voting for a guy and, whose mental acuity is, is in decline, Joe Biden, if, if they have to vote for a guy like that, they are willing to do it. As long as they win. That's disgusting. Thanks for joining me.

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